Note: Burial can ONLY be scheduled after receipt of the “Burial Permit”. It is the
State Law.
Based on the GSMC bylaws, GSMC is to provide burial and funeral related services to Muslims in conformity with Islamic Principles.
In doing so, GSMC shall:
a) Assure that burial is guaranteed to any and every Muslim, regardless of ethnic background, madhab, national origin, language spoken, and geographic area of residence, color, creed, sex, age, and any other discriminating features. By the same token, burial cannot be allowed to non-Muslims. If there is a question whether the deceased is a Muslim or non-Muslim, the word of the family shall be taken as is.
b) Avoid any practices that are not in conformity with Islamic Principles.
The burial process at GSMC has two (2) parts:
Part I is handled by a licensed “Funeral Home” to provide services as required by Law- specifically acquiring “Burial Permit” - without which it is unlawful to bury the deceased.
Part II has to do with procedures at GSMC.
Part I:
- Upon deciding to bury the deceased at GSMC, the family of the deceased shall contact the Management by calling the phone number included in the “Contact Us” section of this website. Management shall explain the entire process to the representative of the deceased.
- GSMC management will advise family of the deceased to contact the Funeral Home directly, to complete the necessary paperwork and pay the required fee. The fee charged by the Funeral Home is in-addition to the Burial charges at GSMC. Funeral Home that is recommended by GSMC is “All Seasons Burial and Cremation Services”. Mike Lofton is the director and his office can be reached at 916-896-1910. Unless absolutely necessary, please avoid calling his office multiple times. Please note that Family of the deceased can choose any Funeral Home with which they are comfortable with. However, keep in mind that the procedures are identical at all funeral homes.
- The family representing the deceased shall complete the paperwork necessary at the office of the Funeral Home, provide information on “Vital Statistics” form and pay their fees asap.
- Based on the above information, the Director’s office arranges for the “Death Certificate” signed by the doctor.
- The next step for the Funeral Home is to obtain “Burial Permit” from the County’s Office, which is subsequently faxed or emailed to GSMC office. Please note that timing of “Burial Permit” issuance is outside of control of the Funeral Home or GSMC. Therefore, Burial at GSMC will ONLY be scheduled AFTER GSMC receives the Burial Permit.
- The Funeral Home will discuss the cost for their services rendered with the family. Currently, the standard cost for their services/paperwork is $995.00 for the services in the greater Sacramento area. Additional fees may be incurred if the family plans to bury the deceased on a week-end, which requires payment of overtime and miscellaneous charges to the County Office, or if there is transport or special considerations involved. The Funeral Home can provide details of the additional costs.
- Transportation charges are additional and vary according to the location of the deceased. The family of the deceased should discuss this with Funeral Director. GSMC is not involved in that arrangement.
- GSMC premises (located at 6330 Eagles Nest Road) has three (3) cold storage units to store the deceased body - if needed. Funeral Home also has storage at their own premises, which can be used for a fee.
Part II
- After the family of the deceased contacts GSMC and are directed to complete the necessary paperwork with the Funeral Home of their choice, the family is required to visit the cemetery’s office and provide information of the deceased and the responsible person(s) information for our records.
- The washing of the body (Ghusl) and Janaza prayer procedures are discussed. Family of the deceased could arrange for their own members to wash the body or request volunteers already registered with GSMC. There are fees associated with services rendered, which are listed in “Burial Cost” section below. GSMC may also require IDs or proof of relationship with the decease.
- If family requests GSMC to handle the ghusl, it shall be arranged.
- Family of the deceased is free to nominate their own Imam or Sheikh to perform the Janaza prayer or one shall be provided.
- Cemetery Manager will advise the family to announce burial date and time AFTER receipt of the Burial Permit.
GSMC Fee Schedule
Following fee schedule has been approved by the Board of Trustees and in accordance with the bylaws, roles and responsibilities of GSMC, its management, staff and volunteers.
The burial package cost includes price of gravesite, a concrete grave liner , opening and closing of the gravesite , washing body of the deceased, headstone (creation & installation), and related facilities costs.
Adult Janazah and burial cost for Sacramento Area residents*: $3,650
Adult Janazah and burial cost for Outside Sacramento Area residents*: $7000
***The following cost items can be waived if the family opts not to use GSMC facilities for Ghusal services:
Washing body and Ghusul: $300**
Child Janazah and Burial cost for Sacramento Area residents*: $1,200
Child Janazah and Burial cost for Outside Sacramento Area residents*: $1,800
Please note that the above prices DO NOT include the cost of a funeral director. The funeral director is responsible for transporting the deceased body and acquiring the burial permit. -
Generally, ghusl is performed at the cemetery between 10:00 am – 11:00 am.
- Janaza prayer may be scheduled after Dhur prayer, or any other time as arranged with the Cemetery Manager and is performed at the cemetery musalah. Under special circumstances, Ghusl can be performed at another location.
- Burial is not permitted after Sunset and no more than two (2) janaza/burials are performed on any given day.
- Storage of the deceased in the cemetery cold storage is permitted for up to 3 days.
- Family of the deceased is responsible to inform attendees to refrain from interfering with the burial procedures which is supervised by the cemetery staff with guidance and assistance of the Imam.
- The family of the deceased is given copies of the record with grave #, receipt and copies of Rules and Regulations of GSMC, including Headstone and Floral guidelines. Failure to comply with the rules and regulations could result in management taking action to rectify the violations.
- Once the burial process is completed, the family members and the attendees are required to clean up after them and leave the cemetery in clean and tidy condition.
- Note: Burial can be scheduled ONLY after the receipt of “Burial Permit”. It is the State Law.